With Purecavespringwater, THRIVEN has set the bar very high: the then trio (now a quintet) managed to compose and record an EP that is not only heavy but interesting and forward-thinking.
They already found their sound, and it is huge. After several months of rehearsals and live concerts, their new songs are being crafted with the care of a goldsmith, every note being carefully studied, inspired by the best bands and the worst people one can think of.
Amazingly the result sounds natural as if they just plugged in their instruments and started playing with all their black hearts. With the songs almost finished, the group is about to get in a studio and start the recording process of their album Bag of Scumbags, slated for early 2011.
Guitar Pro is such a helpful tool for us, especially because the band members don’t live in the same town. We exchange ideas easily and quickly through emails. Another advantage we take from GP is in the pre-production stage. With it, we can write down all songs and ideas so when the recording starts we have it all well resolved. Guitar Pro is certainly an important piece in our composing/pre-production process.
