A new updated release of Guitar Pro 7 is now online, which includes over 100 fixes and enhancements. Among the most essential changes, you’ll find the “left handed” option for the virtual instrument, and the possibility to carry over into Guitar Pro 7 the effect-chain presets as they were set and used in Guitar Pro 6.

Two months ago we introduced you to Guitar Pro 7, our newest upgrade, together with the great steps it takes forward in terms of velocity, smoothness, and user experience. We are very proud today to announce the release of Guitar Pro 7.0.3! Here’s an overview of what we’ve added to it:

New translations: German, Spanish, Russian, and simplified Chinese

To change the language in which your Guitar Pro 7 is set, open the program’s Preferences and switch to the chosen language in the Interface section:

  • Windows : menu File > Preferences… > Interface > Language.
  • macOS : menu Guitar Pro 7 > Preferences… > Interface > Language.

More new translations will come soon.

The “Left-Handed” option appears in the virtual instrument

Jimi Hendrix, Paul McCartney, Elizabeth Cotten, Kurt Cobain… All of those guitar players are left-handed. If such is your case, you may now activate the “left-handed” option and view the Guitar Pro 7 guitar or bass fretboard from your point of view.

Import and export your own effect chains

You can now export whatever settings you used for the effect chains you created in Guitar Pro 6, from GP6 to 7.

To do so, you have to copy/paste the Guitar Pro 6 presets into the Guitar Pro 7 presets folder.

Where can you find your Guitar Pro 6 and Guitar Pro 7 presets?

For Windows:

  • Open your Windows file explorer and type in %APPDATA% as file path.
  • Guitar Pro 6 presets: Click on the following folders Roaming > Guitar Pro 6 > My Presets.
  • Guitar Pro 7 presets: Click on the following folders Roaming > Arobas Music > guitarpro7 > My Effect Chain Presets.

For macOS:

  • Open your Finder, pull down the Go menu and hold down the Alt or Shift key on your keyboard to display the Library section.
  • Guitar Pro 6 presets: Click on the following folders Application Support > Guitar Pro 6 > My Presets.
  • Guitar Pro 7 presets: Click on the following folders Application Support > Arobas Music > guitarpro7 > My Effect Chain Presets.

Updating Guitar Pro 7 on Windows used to not be possible (for versions prior to 7.0.3)

The problem is solved in this new version. If you were concerned by it we invite you to install the update manually.

To that effect, you will need to retrieve the Updater via the Windows file explorer. In your file explorer, type in %TEMP% as file path. This will lead you to the Updater in your temp folder. Double-click on the file to manually launch the updating process.

Or, second option: you can also uninstall your Guitar Pro 7 and reinstall the latest version which is available on our website.

Keyboard shortcuts improved

Shortcuts can help you be more productive as you use Guitar Pro. This new update solves whatever problems shortcuts might have posed in the Windows as well as in the macOS versions.

This version 7 does not let you customize your shortcuts. A list of all of the keyboard shortcuts existing for Guitar Pro will soon be available.

Other fixes

More than 100 fixes and enhancements, including:

  • Added: “Indicate the bass of the chord for inversions” option in the chord window
  • Added: tuning “Drop D, down 1/2 step”
  • Improved: concert and transposition tones management
  • Improved: copy / paste tools
  • Saving of the enharmonic
  • Allows for sound change on a selection
  • Allows adding a chord onto a selection
  • Optional export of the metronome and count down for the audio export
  • Corrected: LCD display when a note duration is modified
  • Corrected: fingering windows
  • Various corrections of the Palm Mute
  • Corrected: alternate repetitions
  • Added: effect-pedal tooltips
  • Corrected: dynamics on drums import
  • Corrected: artificial harmonics
  • Corrected: tuning imports
  • Corrected: repeat bar line on time signature other than 4/4
  • Corrected: option “Hide tempo automations”
  • Corrected: EQ presets application
  • Corrected: shortcuts
  • Corrected: play on tuning and chords windows
  • Corrected: note which was muted on play
  • Corrected: design mode
  • Corrected: Windows file associations
  • Various display fixes
  • Various printing fixes
  • Various crashes fixes

How to update Guitar Pro?

Launch the updater to start using Guitar Pro 7.0.3:

  • Windows : menu Help > Check for updates…
  • macOS : menu Guitar Pro 7 > Check for updates…


alaa - août 24, 2017

what is error code 4?

linda - août 25, 2017


Can you please contact our technical team for help. We will quickly find a solution for you.

Glen - juil. 19, 2017

Why is there still no way to display the tuning per string? only altered tunings from the standard display. You think you would have given us that option to display it or not.

linda - août 8, 2017

Hello Glen,

If you want to manually edit individual strings, open the Tuning Window and click the button with three dots to bring up each string.

Sam Miller - juil. 12, 2017

I am a Ubuntu/Linuxmint, and would also like to see Guitar Pro be updated for gnu/linux. Until then, I won’t be purchasing Guitar Pro 7 for my system.

Nick - juil. 11, 2017

I still cannot find out how to rename track or edit whole tab info like it was possible with “Score information…” function in GP6.

linda - août 8, 2017

Hello Nick,

To rename a track, you’ve got a panel available on the right called Track > Information > click on the track name to rename it.

To “score information…” function is available on the right panel called Song. Click on the More button to edit all the info related to the tab.

Gerald - juil. 10, 2017

Dear Gpro team,

Thanks for the program is really great specially in the new version; I just wanted to ask if there is a “night mode”, or if there is a plan to have?

As I might face the situation of spending hours and hours reading from the screen, this would be really helpful, I basically need the dark screen and the notes to appear in white or clear gray.

Thanks again !

linda - août 8, 2017


We don’t have a night mode in GP7 for the moment. I forwarded your request to the team.

Andrew Hammond Yorkovich - juil. 9, 2017

I’m on 7.0.4 now and it crashes anytime I try to play a song. This is merely one of a plethora of issues I’ve found with this program, and it’s driving me absolutely insane. The fact that I can’t even send crash logs to Arobas makes it even worse. I seriously regret upgrading from GP6.

linda - août 8, 2017

Hello Andrew,

Can you please contact our support, they will find a solution for you:

Rick Minor - juil. 8, 2017

Hello, linda – I’ve got 7.04, and it doesn’t play. GP6 worked fine. I’ve already submitted a support request a couple of days ago, but I’ve heard nothing. How do I get my money back?

linda - août 8, 2017

Hello Rick, our support team will manage your problem.


Amin - juil. 6, 2017

Please add a option to
1) see “intervals and degrees of a scale” like guitar pro 5 in the fretboard view ( virtual instruments)

2) save the settings for fretboard view (virtual instruments)

3) suggest fingering intelligently for the tabs that haswritten. I mean displaying the suggested fingering in fretboard view for each note

linda - août 8, 2017

Can you please contact our support to get advice:

Braulio - juil. 6, 2017

Hello, I’d like to let you know that in the spanish translation of the chord diagrams it says coros instead of the right Word: acordes. And there is another cuestión: I’m studing the chords solos of Wes Montgomery, and I would find it useful to be able of build some chord diagrams of my own (well, rather of Wes’ own). Could it be implemented this possibility some day?

Best whishes

linda - août 8, 2017

The Spanish translation has been corrected in the 7.0.5 version.
Can you please contact our support to get advice on chord diagrams:

Alex - juil. 4, 2017

just upgraded to GP7 (from GP6) on Mac. The shortcut CTRL-+ is not working in this version to add a new bar (for some reasons CTRL- – IS WORKING).
Please correct.


linda - août 8, 2017

Can you please contact our support for help on the shortcut:

Steven - juil. 3, 2017


GP7 is crashing every time I try to export to Midi.

It crashes as well, if I go to ASIO Driver

linda - août 8, 2017

Hello Steven,

Can you please contact our support for help:

Humberto - juil. 2, 2017

I just upgraded from GP6 to GP7. For me there had been one main reason to upgrade: that I expected to find a feature to add plain lyrics or detailed comments after the tab. Unfortunately I didn’t find one. It’s a bit disappointing to be forced to use a text editor to complete the leadsheet with complete lyrics.

Adam J - juil. 1, 2017

I bought GP 6 because it was cross-platform. Now I have an email encouraging me to “upgrade” to something that only works on commercial operating systems.

As has been said elsewhere, some of the new “snap” packaging systems might help if dependency management is a concern. Otherwise, would you consider doing what the REAPER developers do? – Although there is not a Linux native version, WINE is officially supported. That would be acceptable to me, and probably to others.

I might buy this after a lot of reports that it works well on WINE. In the mean time I’ll stick with version 6.

camilo llanio - juin 28, 2017

Hey guys! Great work with the new release. I’ve got a really good suggestion; When you press A and the Chord menu opens up, you currently have the ability to preview the chord but as individual notes, why not give the users the option to play the chord as a strummed single chord? -Alex

Tetsuo - juin 28, 2017

I am installing 7.0.4 although I do not allow beta version installation, is this normal?
I am sending a bug report, but no response, is this normal?

Rick Barda - juin 27, 2017

hi Linda
I’m a registered user and teacher and I’m hoping to extend the eligibility time for the discounted upgrade – I have several questions beforehand, yet I can find no provision for any type of phone contact with you. I’m also having trouble finding the hardware requirements for GP7 . I NEED to ask some questions before purchasing the upgrade, yet you offer only a very short window of time for the upgrade offer – I have been a user for about 15+ years and I spoke to David several times back in the GP3 days before Arobas took control – I fear that the program is now getting bloated and sluggish, and customer support is less of a priority for you … how can I contact you – I don’t have the time for back/forth emails for days/weeks when a simple call could solve all problems/questions promptly … thx Linda

linda - juil. 3, 2017

Hello Rick, please contact us at education@arobas-music.com.


Another client here that got abandoned due the lack of linux support.

Too bad, but I won’t do the upgrade =(

farm - juin 24, 2017

i’ve been paying for this software since GP3. yes i’m old. arobas provides a fantastic example of how to not write software. GP peaked at version 5.2 on windows. every subsequent version has been a clusterfuck of horrible performance, removed features that the developers INSIST provide a better workflow (drum tabs in GP6 i’m lookin at you), and an identity crisis where GP thinks it’s a DAW. it’s not. it’s a fucking composition tool, nobody needs to export FX chains and arobas does not need to create another DAW.

Simon M. - juin 24, 2017

After seeing the release announcement for GP7 in my emails this morning I almost clicked the buy upgrade.
Until I saw that Linux was no longer in the list of supported platforms.

Native Linux support was the main reason I bought GP6 in the first place.

Joshua Traum - juin 22, 2017

Dear Arobas Music,

Long time user of Guitar Pro (Since 5.2), and absolutely loving GP7 thus far; you have made some brilliant improvements and the UI is much better IMO. There are a couple of key short cuts I would love to see return in GP7; I apologise if they are already in the pipeline – I imagine bug fixes are far more important than short cuts, but if not already please add these to the list.

I would really appreciate:

CTRL + 1,2,3,4 voice select short cut to return; currently in Guitar Pro 7 CTRL + M will switch between single voice and multi-voice; I, and many others I imagine, would appreciate being able to quickly change between singular voices, especially when writing for drums or thumb/fingerpicked parts for guitar.

A shortcut for semi-tone transposition to return. I have discovered the semi-tone up/down buttons on the left UI page, which are great, but again would appreciate a short cut to return.

There are probably heaps of others I haven’t discovered yet, or other users have likely suggested. Again I apologise if they are already on the radar, but thought it best to email anyway.

Kind regards,

Joshua Traum – Long time Guitar Pro user.

linda - juin 22, 2017

Thank you Joshua,

I forward your request to the developers.

Shane Cammell - juin 22, 2017

I emailed a request re: getting the GP7 beta and received notice that I could do so. I now see it’s available for general public yet when I launch the updater, it still says no updates available. Help? (I’m still on GP6)

linda - juin 22, 2017

Hello Shane,

Guitar Pro 7 is a new version. You need to buy the upgrade on our website to use Guitar Pro 7.

Vincent - juin 21, 2017


Thank you for developing the updates. I have a question, for release 6 I bought the sound packs. Very large files that are not standard in release 7. .Will they become usable in release 7.

Kind regards, Vincent

linda - juin 22, 2017

Hello Vincent,

All the Guitar Pro 6 soundbanks are included in Guitar Pro 7 now. We also add some new ones.

linda - août 8, 2017

Hello Aaron,

We do our best to provide the best notation software possible. The Windows problem has been solved and we provide free updates every month with new functionalities, improvements and corrections.
Also we are reading your feedback. It helps a lot! Thank you! We use your feedback to improve the software.

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