If you are a beginner, these 10 free scores are made for you. They are fun and very easy to play. You will quickly learn songs like: “Let Her Go” by Passenger, “Ho, Hey” by the Lumineers, “Lost on you”, or “Shallow” which is the song performed by Lady Gaga & Bradley Cooper in the movie “A Star Is Born”, and many others. Have fun!

Songs list

Shallow – Lady Gaga, Bradley Cooper (A Star Is Born)

Home – Edward Sharpe & the Magnetic Zeros

Mia & Sebastian’s Theme (Late For The Date) – (La La Land)

Let Her Go – Passenger

Come – Jain

Lost on you – LP

Big Jet Plane – Angus and Julia Stone

Radioactive – Imagine Dragons

Little Talks – Of Monsters and Men

Ho Hey – The Lumineers

(click on the image to download the Guitar Pro 7 files)

(click on the image to download the Guitar Pro 6 files)

A few advice

You can use the “Speed Trainer” options in Guitar Pro 7 to practice these songs at your pace.

Note that the left-hand fingering is indicated next to the notes on the standard notation.

Shallow – Lady Gaga, Bradley Cooper

This fingerstyle song is played without any pick. The hammer-on situated in the fourth bar must be played very quickly. At first, it might not ring much and that’s okay if it’s the first time you are trying to play that. Here is a video on how to play them: “How to hammer on a guitar”.

If you want to use a pick on this one, you’ll have to block some strings when playing the D/F# and G5 chords.

Home – Edward Sharpe & the Magnetic Zeros

This is a fun and easy accompaniment in an arpeggio. You’ll need to be very constant in your playing, each note must last only half a beat. (Eight notes)

The chords used here are Bm, D, et G.

The Bm chord is usually played in full with a bar, but here it’s played only on two notes so you won’t need to do that.

We have added the vocals of the song in a second track in case you want to play this song with another guitarist, just switch the track in Guitar Pro.

Mia & Sebastian’s Theme (Late For The Date) – (La La Land)

You will need to put a capo on the second fret of your guitar to play this slow fingerstyle romantic peace.

We notice here a 3/4 measure, this means that there 3 beats per bar, a little bit like a waltz.

The term “Let Ring” appears many times throughout this intro. it means that you need to let the bass notes ring as much as you can.

Let Her Go – Passenger

This tablature is a little more technical than the previous ones. First, place a capo on the 7th fret and put away your pick again. This intro is ideal if you need to learn and practice hammer-ons and pull-offs.

At first, you should try to play it without these technics and add them later.

Here is the link to the full score from our official tablature website: mySongBook.com

Come – Jain

This accompaniment is rather simple to play even if the tempo is quite fast. Don’t forget to put a capo on the 3rd fret. You can practice and play the vocals too in this one.

Listen to the rhythm at a slow beat :

And this symbol means that you need to strum down, and this one means that you need to strum up.

Lost On You – LP

Here is a simple but very effective rhythmic on only three chords: Am, D, and Em which is repeated twice and therefore played for two bars.

As you can see, you often have to play only parts of the chords, you don’t need to play all the strings every time you play them. You’ll need to be precise with your right hand.

Listen to the rhythmic part at a slow beat:

Big Jet Plane – Angus and Julia Stone

This time you’ll have to deal with the “palm mute” technique which can be hard to get at first. Leave the right hand on the strings while playing to obtain a muffled sound. Place a capo on the first fret too.

Radioactive – Imagine Dragons

Here is an amusing song to play with chords and arpeggios. Place the chord and then try to let it sound as long as possible.

You can be a bit more aggressive on the chords with your pick.

The chords used are Am, Em7/C and G. Put a capo on the second fret.

Little Talks – Of Monsters and Men

Here is another cool strum pattern:

The chords used are easy to play after some practice: Am, F/C, C, and G.

Ho Hey – The Lumineers

Here is the strum pattern:

You may have noticed the accents on some of the chords, don’t forget to play them if you want to play this pattern correctly. You can find the full score of this song on our official tablatures website: mysongbook.com

Please share with us what is your favorite song in the comment section. Enjoy!


Günther Bergmann - avril 17, 2023

Sehr schlechtes Programm, die Gitarrensounds sind schlecht . Die Einführung in das Programm sehr schwierig . Womit fange ich an ? Was macht man mit diesem Programm außer Songs zu kaufen. Nein danke.

Thomas Duflos - mai 4, 2023

Hallo, ich möchte Sie bitten, diese Seiten zu lesen, ich hoffe, sie helfen Ihnen:



Mike - févr. 19, 2021

Have the android version of guitar pro.when I download these they won’t load. Can you assist

Thomas Duflos - févr. 23, 2021

Hi Mike, you can contact our support here: https://support.guitar-pro.com/hc/en-us/requests/new. Thanks

Dan - juil. 28, 2020

Thanks for nothing.
I have a paid version of Guitar Pro 6 which I cannot use because doesn’t run on new versions of Mac OS X (like Catalina 10.15). I am not going to pay for the new version again as I do not want to risk to find myself in the same situation for new system updates.
Bit annoying and unfair the fact you cannot use what you have paid for, isn’t?.

Thomas Duflos - déc. 14, 2020

Hi Dan, we don’t sell Guitar Pro 6 anymore, please contact our support team, they will be happy to help you with that. Thank you, Thomas.

Kevin - avril 29, 2020

I’m a beginner on guitar. I would like to purchase a wall chart(poster) for a beginner.

Reza - avril 24, 2020

Thanks.very mach very nice song and very easy music ..so thanks…

ibrar - sept. 11, 2019

Thanks for your article on guitar maintenance and care as always you hit on things that I don’t know or think about.
Thanks for all the work you put into your articles.

Timothy - août 30, 2019

Thanks for great information

Mike - août 16, 2019

Great list!

I was expecting to see many classic songs, like Brown Eyed Girl, Margaretaville, etc.. the kind you see on so many similar list posts but was pleasantly surprised!


Thomas Duflos - août 27, 2019

Hi Mike, thanks a lot!

rahul dhyani - juin 18, 2019

wow nice article……..very nice and informative.. I just started playing guitar. Now learningGuitar chords… I got to learn something from your blog…thanks for sharing this such kind of information..

Thomas Duflos - juin 18, 2019

Hi Rahul, thank you very much for you comment!

Ben chris - févr. 1, 2019

Thanks for sharing this list of lovely songs for beginners. This all songs are easy to play and remember. Thanks again for sharing.

Thomas Duflos - févr. 1, 2019

Thank you Ben!

Guitar Acoustic Newbie - janv. 7, 2019

Excellent Post!. But Can you say me wich guitar is best to beginer? i see a lot of them here

Thomas Duflos - janv. 8, 2019

Hi, there are many good acoustic guitars on the market, but I would say that the best guitars to start playing are classical or electric guitars, because the neck is thinner for instance.
If you want to start on an acoustic guitar, you should choose one with a small body, they are easier to handle. Thanks

Mariano Peralta - janv. 7, 2019

estoy usando el guitarro_pro 5 para windows pero quiero actualizarlo para iMac

Thomas Duflos - janv. 8, 2019

Hi Mariano, this is the link to upgrade Guitar Pro: https://www.guitar-pro.com/10-products.

Mariano Peralta - janv. 7, 2019

tengo el guitard pro 5 para windows pero quiero actualizar a iMac

David Christensen - janv. 6, 2019

Thank you

Steven Bloemen - janv. 6, 2019

is this also available in gp6 please

Thomas Duflos - janv. 8, 2019

Hi Steven, the GP6 files have been added, enjoy ?

MineDraped - janv. 6, 2019

Will you please release a Guitar Pro 6 version of this? All the other “Freebies” have versions for both 6 and 7, so I really hope that continues! I own both Guitar Pro 6 and 7, but have gotten so used to using 6 over the years (and all of the songs I’ve composed use it’s sound engine, so sound funky in 7, lol) that I don’t even have 7 installed anymore.


Thomas Duflos - janv. 8, 2019

Hi, the GP6 files have been added. Enjoy! ?

Arthur Moreau - janv. 6, 2019

Merci beaucoup pour votre aide je me sentais perdu et un peu démotivé car je ne trouvais de bonne chansons a travailler mais grâce a vous je suis d’attaque, merci.

les hindle - janv. 6, 2019

thanks for freebee

Russ - janv. 5, 2019

Thanks for the free licks!

Jorge Chavez - janv. 5, 2019


Mi - janv. 5, 2019

thanks for this inspiration

Jon Andersen - janv. 5, 2019

I have downloaded the licks, but they won’t open.
Running GP 6.
How to do that?

Thomas Duflos - janv. 8, 2019

Hi Jon, you can now download the GP6 files. Thanks

Kyle - janv. 5, 2019


Ronald Koch - janv. 5, 2019

These look great!

Andreas Kanis - janv. 5, 2019


sebastiano megale - janv. 5, 2019

excellent work

Thomas Flacke - janv. 5, 2019

Sounds intersting

Ludo van Meer - janv. 5, 2019

Dear mister/ misses,
I have a free trial used Guitar Pro 7.5. I’m very satisfied with this program and will buy the program.
I allready have make some partituur in the program.
My question: I will buy the program at Bax shop. Get I still the e-mails with free songs?
Another question: is it possible to transfer the songs at a website? I will use this to teach young children

Thamks for answering

Thomas Duflos - janv. 8, 2019

Hi Ludo, thank you! You can find many free GP files on many free websites.

And yes you can subscribe to our newsletter to get our free tabs from our blog, just subscribe to our newsletter by entering your email on our homepage: https://www.guitar-pro.com/. Thank you

Ashley Kelly - janv. 5, 2019

Hi guitarpro, please unsubscribe me and please stop the
debit from my account. I will be stopping it from my side.
Thank you
Ashley Kelly

Thomas Duflos - janv. 8, 2019

Hi Ashley, you need to click on the unsubscribe link in the newsletter itself, please. You can also contact our support for the other request thank you very much: goo.gl/tq6163

Ryan Thomas - janv. 5, 2019

This is phenomenal, I was thinking I need some short easy licks for my students.Then this email came though, Happy new Guitar Pro .

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