A new edition of Guitar Pro 7.5 user manual is now online! This more illustrated and detailed version contains complete lists of keyboard shortcuts, of signature sounds, and a list of all the modelized amps and effects.

User Guide

Whether you are a novice or an advanced user, this guide should cover almost everything you need to know about Guitar Pro 7.5. It’s easy to use however if you just want to know more about a particular feature, this guide is for you. You will also find complete lists of keyboard shortcuts, signature sounds, amp models and effects at your disposal in the software.

Click here to download Guitar Pro 7.5 User Guide in English
Click here to download Guitar Pro 7.5 User Guide in French

Guitar Pro 7.5 tips

Watch and learn many useful tips on Guitar Pro in this new tutorial series presented by David Wallimann. Learn how to create a new project, how to enter notes, how to customize your scores and many other tips.


ZKL - août 9, 2020

How can I simply add a chord diagram above a selected measure without GP7.5 automatically inputting the notes onto the staff?

Thomas Duflos - déc. 14, 2020

Hi, please first put a silence before entering the chord, then press A. In the Chord window edit the chord and select “Display diagram Off”. The notes of the chord won’t appear on the score. Thanks

Dhanesh Parmar - juil. 26, 2020

Hi there. Is it possible to switch the metronome to MIDI rather than using an RSE sound sample? I prefer using standard midi for the instrument playback and the metronome is out of time due to it using RSE.

Thomas Duflos - juil. 27, 2020

Hi Dhanesh, this feature is not available in Guitar Pro 7.5. Thank you for your comment. Thomas

Jairo Soares - déc. 13, 2019

Olá pessoal!
Desejo saber como exibir (não editar) ou o sentido da paleta, se subir ou descer após o download de uma música já pronta que eu gostei. É possível isso? Isso me ajudaria muito a tocar os solos palhetando como notas na forma correta em que devem ser tocadas.

Thomas Duflos - janv. 30, 2020

Olá Jairo, pode contactar o nosso apoio? Obrigado: goo.gl/tq6163

Jairo Soares - déc. 13, 2019

Olá pessoal!
Gostaria de saber como exibir (não editar) o sentido da palhetada se é up ou down após o download de uma música já pronta que gostei. É possível isso? Pois isso me ajudaria muito tocar os solos palhetando as notas na forma correta em que devem ser tocadas.

Thomas Duflos - janv. 30, 2020

Olá Jairo, pode contactar o nosso apoio? Obrigado: goo.gl/tq6163

Terry - déc. 6, 2019

How can I import .gp files to song book on my iPad?

Attempted to download user manual to my iPad, nothing happens when I select links.

Thomas Duflos - janv. 30, 2020

Hi Terry, here is a link explaining how to import files on the Guitar Pro app: https://support.guitar-pro.com/hc/en-us/articles/360001067957-GP-Mobile-iOS-How-to-export-and-print-a-file-from-the-mobile-app


Dmitry K - nov. 4, 2019

The manual size went down, but seems the images optimization was overdone, so JPEG artifacts are a bit too evident.

Thomas Duflos - nov. 8, 2019

Hi Dmitry, thank you for your feedback.

Dale - oct. 21, 2019

Is GP 7.5 capable of allowing notation with no time signature? I have 6, but haven’t upgraded because I need this ability. I’m willing to bet that most composers and musicians these days would need that feature!

Thomas Duflos - oct. 21, 2019

Hi Dale, yes you can add free time signature in Guitar Pro 7.5: Bar > Free Time. For the moment the time signature will appear in brackets. Thanks.

Bruno Barbieri - sept. 29, 2019

Ho aquistato fiducioso gp 7.5 , certo che c’erano delle funzioni che mi interessano . niente che soddisfi le mie aspettative , e complicato , ci vuole un genio x usarlo , che occasione persa . tra le tante mi aspettavo che era con testo canzone sincr. E che si salvasse in midi con testo . al momento non capisco se il nuovo manuale e in italiano .

Thomas Duflos - oct. 1, 2019

Buongiorno Bruno, inoltro la vostra richiesta alla squadra, grazie. Sentitevi liberi di inviare le vostre domande al nostro supporto: goo.gl/tq6163

Troverete diversi video tutorial su youtube in italiano. Ecco un esempio: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vYTL4eiIj8Q

Rick K. - sept. 29, 2019

Thank you very much for the updated user’s guide.

The term, “Edition Palette,” was a little confusing. In English, we normally use the gerund form, “Editing Palette”.

Thomas Duflos - oct. 1, 2019

Hi Rick, thank you for your feedback, I have sent it to the team!

fabio - sept. 28, 2019

I am writing to you, because in the 7.0 version that I had purchased, I realized that you have removed, a very useful thing that waxed on version 6, the headstock veener of the guitar, with the tuners, and being able to change the custom tunings manually … this is a great thing, that on the 7th you have taken away .. sin
All the best

Thomas Duflos - oct. 1, 2019

Hi Fabio, thank you very much for your feedback. I have transferred it to the team!

jacques - sept. 28, 2019

Thanks a lot to everyone on the team. I’ll look deeper into the changes and enhancements.

Thomas Duflos - oct. 1, 2019

Thank you very much Jacques. Merci !

Hartm - sept. 28, 2019

Gibt es auch eine Userguide in deutsch???

Thomas Duflos - oct. 1, 2019

Nein, tut mir im Moment nicht leid, die Software ist aber auf Deutsch verfügbar.

Hartmut Müller - sept. 28, 2019

What about a Guitar Pro 7.5 User Guide in German?

Thomas Duflos - oct. 1, 2019

Hi Hartmut, I have sent your request to the team in charge of the user guide. Thanks

Franco - sept. 28, 2019

Troppo difficile usare guitar pro, assorbe molto tempo per inserire note.

Thomas Duflos - oct. 1, 2019

Ciao Franco, ecco un link ad un video che mostra i diversi modi per inserire le note in Guitar Pro:


Alcune tecniche ti faranno risparmiare tempo.


Jim Caputo - sept. 28, 2019

I had guitar pro on my laptop that was stolen. Is their any way I can download it to my desktop?

Thomas Duflos - oct. 1, 2019

Hi Jim, yes here is a link to download Guitar Pro, enter your email and then download the demo. You will need to enter your license again. Thanks
If you need further help please contact our support here: goo.gl/tq6163

Bozzay Viktor - sept. 28, 2019


Rock1987 - sept. 28, 2019

Hello, I come from China. I can’t pay by credit card in MY SONGBOOK, PayPal can’t pay. Or handed over to Chinese agent like guitar pro

But I think the easiest way: just go to the street and find someone who has been to China recently, use the mobile phone of your company’s employees to download two apps, and everything will be done.(apps:WeChat & Alipay)
There are a lot of people I know, a lot of …. no credit card, now PayPal can not use. I only need two APPs to solve the problem, I really don’t understand, what is difficult to solve?

There are many people in China, and there are many people who love guitar. We all like Guitar pro. Many people have purchased guitar pro. If you can adopt my suggestion, I believe there will be more people like it… our English is not very good, the network is also limited, and many people have the same ideas as me. I have translated these emails through Google, I hope you can understand me.

I have sent a lot of emails, but you have not responded to me anymore. What do you think?

Thomas Duflos - oct. 1, 2019

Hi please contact our support here: goo.gl/tq6163
Thank you.

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