Guitar Pro 6 – 10 Metal Presets to download for free
The Guitar Pro team is proud to present you a new selection of professional-grade Metal presets for you to install into Guitar Pro 6. From Megadeth to Metallica or Pantera, enjoy the sound of legendary guitarists when you play or write your tabs! \m/
How do I install my new Metal presets in Guitar Pro 6?
1. Click on the image to download the Presets folder
Click to download.
(“metal-presets-gp6” – 6 Ko)
2. Go to the Guitar Pro 6 Preferences
- On Windows/Linux: menu File > Preferences > Open the Presets directory
- On Mac: menu Guitar Pro > Preferences > Open the Presets directory
3. Copy/paste the content of the presets folder into the My Presets folder.
4. Load up your new Presets.
On the Effects panel, roll down the menu located above the effects chain, then choose Load user-defined preset.
Enjoy your presets!
List of Presets
DreamTheater_Lead (taken from Constant Motion tab)
DreamTheater_Rhythm (taken from Constant Motion tab)
KillswitchEngage_Rhythm (taken from My Curse tab)
Megadeth_Lead (taken from Hangar 18 tab)
OzzyOsbourne_Lead (taken from Mr. Crowley tab)
Pantera_Lead (taken from Cowboys from Hell tab)
Pantera_Rhythm (taken from I’m Broken tab)
SteveVai_Wah_Lead (taken from Bad Horsie tab)
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Hi!, are there some Metal presets for GP7?, I hope to get some tabs that could help me a lot to use them at creating my own songs.
Hello Juan,
There are over 700 signature sounds available in Guitar Pro 7. They allow you to reproduce the rigs and sound settings of the greatest guitar players, such as David Gilmour, Jimi Hendrix, Slash, Van Halen, and more. Use them to improve the sound of your own Guitar Pro files, or plug your guitar into your computer and start playing using Guitar Pro 7 presets!
Please have a look at this post for more explanations:
You can also download the complete list of Guitar Pro 7 presets here:
You are the Best! Nice work. Thank you! It’s very helpful for us.
Metallica_Rhythm is a little bit dissapointing but Pantera_Rhythm is really epic man. Thank you very much
Thanks for your support! Enjoy your presets 😉
Ah ok…found it. I was looking in the wrong spot for the menu. :-p
Ok perfect, enjoy your presets 😉
Pretty cool. A versatile selection.
I must be missing something obvious, but I can’t find the “roll down the menu located above the effects chain, then choose Load user-defined preset.”
Windows version of Guitar Pro 6
Thanks! 🙂 Awesome
Thank you very much.
You’re welcome Kartapus, enjoy your presets 🙂