Add an audio file to your scores!
Play along with your score accompanied by an audio file such as a song or a backing track.
Enjoy practicing
Relative tempo and detune mode are compatible with the audio track.
Edit easily
Synchronize your audio file with your score to transcribe songs easily.
Share your knowledge
Insert an audio file containing a recording of your teaching instructions for your music students or your band members.
Buy Guitar Pro
Focus/Unfocus track
Quickly amplify or attenuate the selected track to create a volume contrast with the other tracks.
Work on your rhythm with the visual metronome
Play with the new visual metronome and countdown displayed over the LCD screen.
Fix the tempo
Ignore tempo changes and automations in the score to easily learn new songs and riffs.
Change the relative speed
Press +/- keys to speed up or slow down the relative speed or fixed tempo of your song during the playback.
Lock the sound of the line-in
You can now lock your preset using the line-in to keep the same sound while changing tracks or even when you close a file.
Create the perfect guitar sound
Easily create your own effects chain and mastering with the new pedalboard.

Adjust the sound precisely
Customize the duration, the offset and the relative velocity of each note of your score.

Mix the drum set
Adjust the sound of the drum set and percussion tracks by setting the volume and pan of each element.

Pre-listen to the soundbanks while playing your tabs
Mouse over the sound presets to get an audio preview while your score is playing.
New design options
Move and adjust the placement of each beat.
Align the bars easily with the automatic guideline.
New Stylesheet options
Set the spacing of the chords diagram in the score header, the systems, the staff and the scale diagrams.
Customize the font of the music symbols.
Edit the font and text of numerous score indications like: palm muting, slap, pop, rasgueado, pick scrape and more.

Increase your productivity
The command palette is like shortcuts on steroids!
Get quick and direct access to Guitar Pro's notation options to edit your scores and boost your productivity massively!
Dozens of commands available
Select and easily add chords and directions to your score with the "Expression Text" tool.
Quickly go through Guitar Pro main features in the "Action List" and use them to edit your scores.

Apply 3 filters on the mySongBook song list to sort out the scores by genres, instruments/levels and types.

Audio tracks
Learn songs with our enhanced tab library.
Enjoy audio tracks directly in your mySongBook tabs to learn easily and play along with your files.

- The contrast and colors of the interface have been adjusted to offer you a better reading comfort.
- Guitar Pro 8 benefits from an improved efficiency on Mac with Apple Silicon.
- Export your scores to PNG with transparent backgrounds.
- Export your scores to SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics).
- The accuracy and dynamics of the soundbanks have been corrected and improved.
- Chords are now transposed with their names and fingerings.
- To find the files you are working on more easily, pin them in the recent section of the homepage.
- Edit quarter tones on tremolo bar.
- Show slash notation for drums and standard music notation.
- The numbered musical notation called jiǎnpǔ is now available.
- Show cautionary accidentals.
- Use decimal tempo.
- Diatonic transposition.
- Improved performance.
- And many others...
Guitar Pro 8.1.3
- After transposing, the display options of a chord are now correctly preserved
- Fixes an input error when typing fast in the tablature view
- Fixes an unwanted merge of tempo automations with the same value but different units
- Fixes the loading of a sound automation in a specific case on opening a file
- Scale diagrams are no longer deleted after changing the layout
- Fermatas are now correctly played when the Audio Track is bypassed
- Fixes the name of the “Saxophone Alto” template track
- Fixes the tooltip value of the Pan Knobs
- Fixes the display of the active sound
- The Audio Fine Tuning dialog values are now correctly updated when switching documents
- Fixes German and Chinese translations
Import / Export
- Copying from Guitar Pro correctly creates again a MIDI file in the clipboard
- Fixes missing notes in the MIDI file when Copying
- Fixes the import of MIDI files containing negative ticks
- Fixes the import of MIDI files with no “endOfTrack” event
- Improves the import of large TEF files
- Fixes an issue when saving on a disk root (Windows)
Audio Track
- Improves the accuracy of the zoom
- Fixes the cursor position when the editing score cursor is on an empty beat
- Fixes the Undo/Redo of the Filter, Semitones and Cents buttons
- When changing documents, the scroll position of the audio track is correctly restored
- Ensures the auto-save is done in a local directory
- Fixes a crash on pasting on an empty file
- Fixes a crash on importing a file containing invalid tremolos
- Fixes a crash on loading an audio file
- Fixes a crash on starting a second instance of Guitar Pro
- Fixes a crash on using the “Play while editing”
- Fixes a crash on tying notes
- Fixes a crash on using the batch converter
- Fixes a crash on opening a file containing fingerings
- Fixes a crash on loading an XML file
- Fixes a crash when scrolling the playback cursor
- Fixes a crash on using the countdown
- Fixes a crash on opening the Chord dialog
- Fixes a crash on opening a mySongBook file after a connection
- Fixes a crash on pasting from a closed document
- Fixes a crash on editing from the Virtual Fretboard
- Fixes a crash on using the graphic export
- Fixes a crash on purchasing a mySongBook file
- Fixes a crash on the multirest option is activated on an empty file
- Fixes multiple random crashes on documents containing chord diagrams
Guitar Pro 8.1.2
- Selections of less than a bar are no longer repeated
- Selections beginning with a Slide In are now correctly interpreted
- Ornaments are now interpreted regardless of their starting fret
- The relative tonality is correctly applied to ornaments
- Fixes the score cursor behavior when changing tracks
- Fixes the score cursor movement with shortcuts during playback
- Fixes some random sound automation changes
- The count-in is now correctly updated according to the current time signature
- Fixes a count-in triggered when activated during the playback
- The Audio Note Settings dialog is no longer modal
- Improves the “Select All” performances in Multivoice
- Pasting multiple bars to a selection now correctly moves the score cursor to the next beat
- The placeholder is no longer taken into account when using the “Bar Arranger” tool
- The auto scroll triggered by a click no longer creates an unwanted selection
- Texts and Chronos are applied only if selected in the “Special Paste”
- Moving strings maintains the previous accidentals (if any)
- Notes created when tying to the previous bar are now correctly undoed
- Undoing “Repeat two Bars” now restores the previous content of the second bar
- Modifying a note from the Virtual Fretboard preserves its attributes
- Undoing the modification of a note from the Virtual Fretboard now works correctly in one step
- Fixes the score cursor position after undoing a paste on the last beat
- Fixes ties after pasting on multiple bars
- Fixes the audio preview of Mordents and Turns
- Fixes setting Stems Direction on a selection containing grace notes
- Fixes the behavior of the score cursor when clicking on a bent note
- Adjusts the slash notehead anchors with the “AMJazz” font
- The tempo unit is now correctly taken into account for “rall” and “accel” indications
- For minor keys, “1=” is replaced by “6=” in Numbered Notation
- Fixes collisions between the “Repeat two Bars” mark and some bar header elements
- Fixes the placement of a Bend Release in Standard Notation
- Fixes some attributes (HO/PO, ties) of notes bordering a selection after a transposition
- Fixes the alignment of diagrams between themselves
- Ties between distant slash notes are now correctly displayed
- Notifications on the Welcome page can now be permanently disabled in the Preferences
- VU meters in the Drumkit settings popup are now linked to the active sound
- Undo is now correctly available on the first action in the Pedalboard and on volume change
- Updating the track name now correctly updates the corresponding entry in the “Track” menu
- The palette is now correctly updated after tying a beat
- The track name in the inspector is no longer selected when double-clicking on the Global View track during playback
- The “Add Track” button in the Global View is now correctly disabled during playback
- Fixes some cases where the license had to be entered twice
- Fixes the movement of the cursor in the Global View bar header when changing tracks
- Fixes the Preferences dialog size in case of an unusually long stylesheet name
- Fixes empty score info fields when opening a custom template
- Fixes some errors in the Time Signature dialog regarding beamings for 16th and 32nd notes
- Selections starting with a grace note are now displayed correctly
- The tempo in the LCD is now correctly updated when changing the relative tempo
- Fixes some translations
Import / Export
- Correctly imports the fingering including for a keyboard track
- Dynamics are no longer exported in the middle of a chord
- Fixes the playback after pasting a MIDI file in Guitar Pro
- Fixes the import and paste of MIDI files containing consecutive notes with the same pitch
- Imports empty MIDI files
- Imports the correct amount of bars when the last one is not complete
- Audio export now automatically adds a file extension
- Fixes how the current time is fetched and formatted for the graphic exports
Audio Track
- The cursor movement is now correctly clamped to the bar’s duration
- Fixes the visual feedback on hovering the audio track bar and beat lines
- Feels are now correctly mapped onto the audio track
- The voice index is now correctly preserved when moving the cursor from the audio track
- Fixes the zooming behavior
- While repitching, the audio track now stays synchronized
- Fixes the behavior of the “Add bars” (+) button when the audio track does not have the focus
- Reopening the Free Tab of the Day no longer requires to log into mySongBook again
- Improves the design of the Expired Trial dialog to highlight the possibility to continue with mySongBook
- Overall improvement of the handling of audio devices
- Fixes the registry key edition for the soundbanks installer (Windows)
- Fixes a crash on opening a file containing wrong
tags - Fixes a crash on refreshing the audio devices in the Preferences dialog
- Fixes a crash on adding a note on an empty selection using the MIDI Capture or the Keyboard View
- Fixes a crash on adding notes preceded by a Sustain Pedal
- Fixes a crash on switching from Grand staff to Single staff with an active selection on the lower staff
Guitar Pro 8.1.1
- Checking updates now correctly always displays the available update (if any)
- The Relative Speed can now be changed during the playback using the “=” and “_” shortcuts
- Correctly update the sound when tying a note
- Fine tuning the duration no longer impacts slides
- Fix the cursor behavior when moving before or after a selection using the arrow keys
- Fix the cursor behavior when moving after a paste
- Deleting a bar now also deletes the scale diagrams of that bar
- Fix the fingering computation when changing the tuning
- Fix the placement of the africa kit articulations on the staff in existing files
- Left hand tapping symbols are correctly displayed again
Import / Export
- The Audio Track is now exported when exporting the audio to separate tracks
- When changed, the path to the destination folder is correctly displayed in the Renderer Export dialog
- When changed, the track name (“%t” placeholder) is correctly updated in the Renderer Export dialog
- Handle special characters in the file name when exporting to PDF
- Fix the SVG Export of scale diagram mark colors
- Fix the notes Audio Fine Tuning when importing from MIDI
- Fix the “dot” tag placement when exporting to XML
- The “Tab of the Day” now correctly opens after logging in instead of opening the purchase dialog
- The “Show Audio Track” menu entry is no longer enable on mySongBook files with no audio track
- Fix a crash when copy/pasting inside an empty bar
- Fix a crash when opening certain files
- Fix a crash when opening a file containing trills
- Fix a crash when exporting a file with lyrics to MIDI
Guitar Pro 8.1
New features
- SVG export (“File” > “Export” > “SVG…”)
- Numbered musical notation (Jianpu/simplified notation)
- “Free scores” mySongBook category
- mySongBook scores can now be sorted by last added
- MIDI export and import of audio note settings
- “Fit to width” and “Fit to page” options in the preferences
- Swedish translation
- Fix the timbre of some notes
- Fix the audio fine tuning offset on a slide
- Fix the unwanted vertical scroll on a repetition in horizontal display mode
- Update the audio when adding a slur between two bars
- When the playback stops by itself, the cursor correctly returns to its starting position
- Chronos are now independent of the relative speed and fixed tempo
- Fix the sound of trills on tied notes
- Fix the pitch of legato slides in MIDI
- Switch the metronome to MIDI when all tracks are in MIDI
- In MIDI with a soloed track, the other tracks are no longer heard on the first beat
- Fix a missing slur between two bars after undoing a string shift
- Fix the cursor behavior after using shortcuts to delete notes
- Fix the string shift from the banjo’s short drone
- Natural harmonics are no longer modified when shifting strings
- “Redo” is no longer enabled by default when opening a file
- Fix the bend/whammy indications disappearing on playback
- Fix the misproportioned thickness of ledger lines outside of the staff
- Fix the glyph for jazzy accidentals
- Fix the jazzy repetition bars indication
- Fix a collision between piano fingerings
- Fix the fret and string number after a rest on slash notation
- Fix the crescendo indication in multivoice
- Fix the muted notes symbol when importing from XML
- Fix the double dots on quarters and shorter rhythm values
- Fix the grace notes position when using the “Bar Arranger” tool
- Fix the duplicate HoPo after changing the number of strings
- Fix the display of slashes at the end of systems
- Fix the value displayed on the progressive speed during a countdown between bars
- Fix the “Go To Previous/Next Bar” cursor command behavior
- Reinstate the “Move/Copy/Swap Voices” tool shortcut (Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + M)
- The Virtual Drum Kit is no longer empty for the bongo and the reverse cymbal
- Keep the selection when changing tracks
- Fix the drag beyond the screen of the rotary knobs
- Updating the time signature correctly updates the audio track slice of the Global View
- Update the note name after a transposition
- Save the solo/mute states between sessions in the drum mix popup
- Fix initialising the scale diagrams dialog from a selection
- Editing the audio track padding from the first sync point correctly updates the audio
- An empty diagram is no longer displayed when using the “chord” command of the command palette
- Improve the audio preview for drumkits in the Track Wizard
- The güiro now has two articulations and is no longer on the same string as the surdo on the Africa Kit
- Fretlight guitar frets are correctly displayed on repeated bars
- Audio Fine Tuning is available for grace notes
Opening / Importing / Exporting files
- Fix the XML export for directions when the first bar is empty
- Fix the XML import for fingerings on tablature staves
- Fix the XML import for voices when there are several
- Fix the XML import for free texts
- Fix the MIDI import for slurs
- Remove of excess rests on MIDI import
- Fix the import of audio files containing special characters on Windows
- Fix the export of the audio track when exporting audio as separate files
- All backup files of the previous session are now correctly restored after a crash
Fixed crashes
- On importing a .ptb with a Coda
- On opening a .M4A audio file
- On opening a .opus audio file
- On updating the layout in multitrack
- On closing a file with a forced stylesheet
- On deleting chords
- On previewing an empty file
- On adding HoPo in tablature
- On MIDI import
- On disconnecting a Bluetooth headphone
- On copy-pasting sustain pedals
- On selecting empty bars with the keyboard
Guitar Pro 8.0.2
- Improvement of the support for high sampleRate on sound cards
- Application of the relative tonality on slides
- Restoration of the mono switch
- Update of the metronome when the time signature changes
- Fix of the audio track offset when changing the relative tempo
- Add of the sustain pedal undo
- Restoration of the application of the dynamics in the next bars
- Restoration of the chord transposition
- Deletion of the score tempo after deleting the point by double-clicking in the automation dialog
- Graphical update of sounds after track deletion
- Insertion of a beat does not add a sound anymore
- Fix of partial capo import and consideration
- Fix of chords transposition in a selection
- Fix of the application of the orientation of stems on a selection
- Display of slurs on slashes in standard notation
- Display of HoPo in tablature according to the style sheet
- Hide courtesy on tied notes
- Fix of a regression on the clefs display at the beginning of the system
- Fix of design mode on last system and coda
- Addition of an alert message when locking a file
- Section text field is now case sensitive
- Improvement of effect parameters formatting
- Addition of an audio track does not force the saving
- Addition of the missing %MUSIC% tag in the classic style sheet
- Translation of fingerings in the right-click menu of the chord diagram editor
- Reset of sound displacement
- Addition of a character in the tempo automations label that does not send the cursor to the end anymore
- Fix of copy and paste of sustain pedals
- Fix of effects pasting in the effect chain
- Fix of the limiter pedal
- Fix of the audio track slice in the global view when changing the time signature
Open / Import / Export files
- Restore “force” options when loading files from the previous sessions
- Following of symbolic links in local files
- Fix of audio export without selection
- Take into account the volume of the metronome when exporting audio with metronome
- Reset of quantization to 1/64 when importing MIDI
- Fix of MIDI export with staccatos
- Fix of time signatures in MIDI export with an anacrusis
- Addition of the tempo decimal in MIDI import / export
- Fix of the rests position in the last bar in MIDI export
- Import and export of chords without notes in MusicXML
- Fix of a problem of software closing when a Fretlight guitar is connected
Fixed crashes
- on undoing
- on using Blackhole or SoundFlower drivers
- on software closing
- on effect modifying
- on refreshing audio devices
Guitar Pro 8.0.1
- Adds a menu entry “View > Show Pedalboard”.
- Adds the undo/redo on pedalboard effects
- Displays the empty chord diagrams
- Editing the chord diagram library marks the document as modified
- Fingering controls are no longer case sensitive in the control palette
- Takes into account effects before time (brush, slide in) at playback and loop launch
- Prevents system collision when there are many chords on the first page
Bug fixes
Audio track
- Fixes the MP3 file mismatch between Windows and macOS
- Fixes a bad MP3 loading due to MPEG parser
- Fixes a channel inversion in audio track in some cases
- Fixes the audio export of a selection with audio track
- Fixes the management of sync points in the presence of anacrusis
Chord transposition
- Fixes the naming of transposed chords
- Fixes the key signature on transposition key change
- Fixes the update of the chords at the top of the score when cancelling and after a transposition of all tracks
- Fixes the transposition of all staves if “current track” and “all bars” are selected in the transposition dialog
- Fixes the transposition of the chords of all tracks when this option is selected
- Restores the transposition of chords created from the command palette
- Fixes the slides out in presence of auto-brush
- Fixes the auto let ring duration
- Fixes the sustain pedal management in RSE and MIDI
- Fixes the MIDI let ring on two successive notes on the same string
- Fixes a random disappearance of sections during playback
- Fixes a partial disappearance of bends during playback
- Fixes the use of the ASIO Realtek Audio driver
- Fixes the sustain to stop at the last beat with pedal
- Fixes the unset command in the command palette for free text, double bar, free time, timer
- Fixes the cursor position when switching to single staff
- Fixes the layout of some dialogues where the text was truncated
- Restores the “Capo and transposed chords modify standard notation” option when opening a file
- Restores the display of triplet feel in a particular configuration
- Restores the application of the “modified” status for all actions modifying the document
- Restores the chord window and chords at the top of the score after cancelling a chord transposition
- Restores the display of long menus on several columns, preventing them to go beyond the screen
- Fixes various crashes, including when previewing sounds during playback, adding a legato slide, multi-voice selection, changing the orientation of stems, deleting a section, when opening a MIDI file, when adding an audio file containing a ‘#’, with the barred and arpeggio commands, when closing the software
- Fixes an issue with the installer PKG on macOS which unnecessarily required the installation of Rosetta