Comunicados de prensa recientes
- Guitar Pro 8 is finally released mai 3, 2022 Leer más >
- Play Guitar Hits app gets a massive update, including masterclasses by famous musicians. mars 31, 2021 Leer más >
- New Guitar Pro 7.5 features presented at NAMM 2019 janv. 21, 2019 Leer más >
- Arobas Music unveils all-new GUITAR PRO 7 juil. 6, 2017 Leer más >
- GUITAR PRO 7 Beta Version at NAMM 2017 janv. 19, 2017 Leer más >
- Guitar Pro announces New Education Licensing Program sept. 26, 2012 Leer más >
- New Guitar Pro offer: 6 new packs of additional soundbanks juil. 5, 2011 Leer más >
- Release of Guitar Pro mobile player app for iPhone/iPod touch/iPad juil. 5, 2011 Leer más >
- Guitar Pro 6 is finally released avril 5, 2010 Leer más >
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juil. 27, 2022 Arobas Music with their Guitar Pro software has just implemented audio file addition in the new Version 8. Now, "why... Leer más >
mai 4, 2022 Guitar Pro 8 has just been released and brings with it a host of new features. The update from the old version 7 now... Leer más >
mai 4, 2022 Guitar Pro 8 is the latest music scoring program from Arobas Music that gives guitarists a wide set of tools you can... Leer más >
févr. 21, 2020 If you are looking for a tool that will get your playing to the next level, or you want to compose your own songs,... Leer más >
févr. 12, 2020 My favourite tool for learning new songs. it’s a product that I’ve used countless times and one that I believe has... Leer más >
févr. 11, 2020 The Guitar Pro app is packed with features that are equally useful to both musicians and song composers. Leer más >
janv. 2, 2020 Guitar Pro 7.5 is really quite unique and a fantastic bit of software for guitarists of any standard. Leer más >
mai 21, 2019 Guitar Pro can best be described as a Swiss Army knife for the practicing guitarist. Its hybrid nature means it has... Leer más >
janv. 22, 2019 NAMM 2019: Arobas Music will be demoing the latest version of its leading tab and notation software, Guitar Pro 7.5,... Leer más >
janv. 22, 2019 NAMM 2019: представлена Guitar Pro 7.5 с рядом функций, которых пользователи ждали очень давно. Редактирование всего... Leer más >
janv. 21, 2019 Arobas Music will be at the NAMM Show in Anaheim, California from January 24 to 27, 2019, to present the many new... Leer más >
oct. 23, 2018 Which Guitar Software? The Best Guitar Learning Software in 2018. Guitar Pro 7.5 is really quite unique and a... Leer más >
juil. 28, 2018 Program Guitar Pro dostępny w wersji 7.5 Firma Arobas Music udostępniła niedawno nową wersję programu Guitar Pro.... Leer más >
mai 1, 2018 Guitar Tab Symbols that are Unfamiliar and Underused... A look at some of the most useful guitar tab symbols - that... Leer más >
avril 1, 2018 Enough with nostalgia, Guitar Pro is still one of the most fundamentally useful pieces of software for almost all... Leer más >
févr. 1, 2018 Guitar Pro blijft het eenvoudigste en handigste programma voor het noteren van gitaarpartijen. Daarnaast kun je het... Leer más >
déc. 11, 2017 Modeling Ambient Reverb Tones in Guitar Pro 7 - Guitar Pro 7 is a powerful tool, not just for creating guitar tabs... Leer más >
nov. 9, 2017 Guitar Pro 7 ist aber mit Abstand die übersichtlichste und intuitivste Version in der Reihe. Ich hatte vorher lange... Leer más >
nov. 5, 2017 Сегодня мы заполним этот пробел, опубликовав полноценный обзор Guitar Pro 7 для Mac, самой мощной, красивой и... Leer más >
nov. 2, 2017 La continua evoluzione che ha avuto nel corso degli anni dimostra una grande voglia di crescita e di aggiornamento da... Leer más >
oct. 1, 2017 GP7 is a solid investment for guitarists who not only want to increase their musical literacy, but want to avoid an... Leer más >
sept. 19, 2017 La inclusión de emuladores para conectar nuestra guitarra cambia el juego. De repente, el programa ya no es una... Leer más >
sept. 14, 2017 Guitar Pro 7 is a tab/notation software that aims to handle the entire compose-to-share cycle. The goal is to help... Leer más >
sept. 14, 2017 GuitarPro hat sich für viele Gitarristen zum Standardwerkzeug für Notation und Sound gemausert. Die neue Version ist... Leer más >
sept. 5, 2017 Being able to read and write music will open your guitar playing up to a whole new world. If you’re trying to... Leer más >
sept. 1, 2017 Arobas hat die Wünsche von Gitarristen umgesetzt. Guitar Pro hilft nicht nur beim Notieren neuer, sondern auch beim... Leer más >
août 23, 2017 Guitar Pro 7 è parecchio migliorato, partendo da GP6, ed è diventato più semplice e veloce da utilizzare. Inoltre ho... Leer más >
août 22, 2017 How to Build a Grand Staff Tab for Guitar and Bass in Guitar Pro 7 - In this tutorial I'll show you how to use Guitar... Leer más >
août 7, 2017 Arobas Music przedstawia nową, siódmą już generację Guitar Pro, programu do zapisywania tabulatur gitarowych.... Leer más >
juil. 19, 2017 Arobas Music has launched the 7th generation of their tablature and music notation software, Guitar Pro. Leer más >
juil. 1, 2017 Het Franse Guitar Pro presenteert een pakket, wat vooral met tabulatuur speelt. Leer más >
juil. 1, 2017 In this Guitar Pro 7 review, we’ll learn exactly how you can write down and distribute your own music. We’ll also... Leer más >
mai 25, 2017 Oavsett om du vill lära dig spela Bach eller Beyonces senaste hit är Guitar Pro 7 en tidssparare av rang. Att... Leer más >
avril 25, 2017 After years of waiting and wondering if GP7 would ever come out, let’s find out how it compares to Guitar Pro 6 which... Leer más >
avril 12, 2017 If you’re starting fresh and wondering whether to buy Guitar Pro 7 I’d highly recommend it. It’s more powerful,... Leer más >
avril 11, 2017 THE BEST GUITAR APPS - Guitar Pro for iOS and its desktop counterpart have changed my life when it comes to tabs. I... Leer más >
janv. 24, 2017 GP7 set for release this April, "HUGE soundbanks" have been added to the mix. Audiofanzine checked in from this... Leer más >
janv. 20, 2017 Arobas Music announced today that visitors of the 2017 NAMM Show will be given the chance to discover the 7th... Leer más >
oct. 19, 2015 The Guitar Pro app is more oriented to those wishing to play and practice rather than transcribe Leer más >
mai 1, 2014 Wil je een stap verder gaan dan de akkoordenschema's, dan kom je uit bij Guitar Pro. In dit programma kun je... Leer más >
avril 28, 2014 While Guitar Pro 6 has been around since 2010, I still find that a lot of guitarists aren’t aware of it. That’s why... Leer más >
juil. 31, 2013 Effective this month, we will no longer be producing Power Tab files for new courses. We will continue to produce and... Leer más >
juil. 1, 2013 Cooked up by Arobas Music, known for the ubiquitous GuitarPro tab software, here is mySongBook, a software program... Leer más >
mars 5, 2013 I’ve always enjoyed music and the study of music. So, I was very pleased to find Guitar Pro iOS app. Leer más >
mars 1, 2013 Guitar Pro è un software di notazione musicale indirizzato ai chitarristi grazie alle sue funzionalità studiate per... Leer más >
nov. 1, 2012 Distributed by eMedia, Guitar Pro 6 multitrack tablature editor for guitar, bass, banjo and ukulele is much more than... Leer más >
févr. 1, 2012 Szósta odsłona popularnego edytora tabulatur z nowym interfejsem, intuicyjną obsługą oraz ulepszonym modułem... Leer más >
janv. 1, 2012 Das Notationsprogramm Guitar Pro 6 stellt aus dem Internet bezogenes Notenmaterial dar und spielt es als MIDI-Klang... Leer más >
déc. 8, 2011 When connected to a computer running their Guitar Pro software, the frets and strings that should be pressed light up... Leer más >
déc. 1, 2011 Standard notation, chord charts and tablature have served guitarists well for decades now, but for beginners those... Leer más >
nov. 18, 2011 Guitar Pro has always been an invaluable tool for my guitar learning. First as a tool to not only read tabs but... Leer más >
oct. 26, 2011 Der Hersteller des populären Tabulatur-Programms Guitar Pro hat mit MySongBook einen neuen Dienst vorgestellt. Arobas... Leer más >
févr. 23, 2011 Guitar Pro is an established name when it comes to tablature, the music notation format commonly used by guitarists... Leer más >
févr. 14, 2011 Guitar Pro is fairly easy to use straight out of the box. You have musical notation, and guitar tablature line to... Leer más >
juin 24, 2010 Guitar Pro har nu nått fram till nummer 6 och programmet är om möjligt ännu mera fullmatat än tidigare. Leer más >
avril 28, 2010 A creative and productive guitar player and teacher, David Wallimann introduces the new Guitar Pro 6 interface on his... Leer más >
avril 21, 2010 This is a stable product and is a big upgrade and improvement on GuitarPro 5. We have been waiting for 2 years and it... Leer más >
avril 2, 2010 Guitar Pro started out as a small tab editor but, as time went by, it soon became an indispensable software for... Leer más >